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特朗普签署命令成立专项工作组 首要打击网络欺诈和数字货币欺诈

Ben Bain David McLaughlin ☉ 文 来源:彭博社 2018-07-12 @ 哈希力量


  美国政府正在组建一个全新的工作小组,旨在保护消费者免受金融欺诈。事实上,随着加密货币市场逐渐变得炙手可热,现在已经成为了公众资金安全的最大威胁之一。sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  显然,特朗普政府已经开始关注加密货币风险问题。本周三(7月11日),该专项工作组在华盛顿宣布成立,他们表示主要的关注焦点将会放在那些针对老年人的投资计划和洗钱犯罪活动——包括虚拟代币。sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  美国司法部、证券交易委员会和商品期货交易委员会正在加大对比特币和其他加密货币相关骗局的打击力度,政府官员也不断提醒投资者关注加密货币投资的潜在风险。sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  目前,唐纳德•特朗普总统已经签署了一项行政命令,要求该专项工作组由美国司法部领导,成员组织分别来自美国证券交易委员会,联邦贸易委员会和消费者金融保护局等机构。该工作组的首要任务,就是打击“网络欺诈”和“数字货币欺诈”。sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  虽然奥巴马政府在2008年金融危机之后成立了类似的特别工作组,但似乎收效不大,因此特朗普决定推出自己的工作小组,并且在其签署的行政命令中要求该工作组为调查工作提供指导,同时还要进一步改善政府机构之间的合作关系。sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  在华盛顿举行的新闻发布会上,美国司法部副检察长罗德•罗森斯坦(ROD ROSENSTEIN)表示:sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  “一些企业及其员工的欺诈行为,已经对美国金融市场,医疗保健市场,以及其他行业造成了毁灭性影响,对美国公民造成了伤害。”sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  罗德•罗森斯坦补充称,他希望机构能够更好地配合协调相关调查工作,避免问题堆积。此外,该工作组还将评估如何对企业违规行为执行罚款。罗德•罗森斯坦表示,成立专项工作组的目的是为了让企业有动力配合调查,同时鼓励他们自愿报送不当行为。sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  2008年金融危机之后,美国成立了消费者金融保护局(CFPB),旨在更好地保护人们免受掠夺性抵押贷款和信用卡滥用合约风险的影响。但现在,特朗普政府正试图彻底改革这个机构。事实上,消费者金融保护局已经成为了美国政治圈内最具分裂性的政府机构之一,民主党认为该机构是最好的消费者保护监管机构,而共和党却认为消费者金融保护局已经沦为政府过度扩张的堡垒。sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  (原标题:特朗普政府成立专项工作组 将打击加密货币欺诈)sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  (编译:金色财经 Golder)sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  附 彭博社原文报道如下:sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  Wire: Bloomberg News (BN) Date: Jul 12 2018 0:18:57sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  Crypto Crime a Focus of Trump’s New Task Force on Consumer FraudsDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  By Ben Bain and David McLaughlinsDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  In forming a new task force to protect consumers from fraud, the Trump administration made clear that one of the greatest threats to the public is just emerging: red-hot markets for crypto coins.sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  The inclusion of virtual tokens -- along with traditional crimes like money laundering and investment schemes targeting the elderly -- as a focus of a panel announced Wednesday is the latest sign of Washington’s concern over digital currencies.sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  The Justice Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission are increasingly focusing their resources on scams tied to Bitcoin and other tokens, and government officials have  requently warned investors about potential dangers.sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  The new task force is led by the Justice Department and consists of agencies including the SEC, the Federal Trade Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, according to an executive order signed by President Donald  Trump. It cited “cyber fraud” and “digital currency fraud” as targets of the group’s work.sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  While the Obama administration formed a similar task force in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Trump’s decision to create his own version allows his administration to direct its focus. In his executive order, Trump tasked the group with providing guidance for investigations and with recommending how to improve cooperation among various government agencies.sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  “Fraud committed by companies and their employees has a devastating impact on American citizens in the financial markets, the health care sector, and elsewhere,“ Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said at a press briefing in Washington.sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  In potentially good news for corporations, Rosenstein added that agencies would seek to better coordinate their various probes to avoid “piling on,” or assessing several fines on a single company for the same violation. He said the goal is to give firms an incentive to cooperate with investigations and voluntarily report misconduct.sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库

  The move jibes with comments Rosenstein made in May when he said that the practice of hitting corporations with multiple enforcement actions “can deprive a company of the benefits of certainty and finality ordinarily available through a full and final settlement.” He’s also questioned the value of corporate penalties in deterring wrongdoing by individuals. The creation of the task force comes as the Trump administration is moving to overhaul the CFPB, an agency formed after financial crisis to better protect people from predatory mortgage lending and abusive credit card contracts. The CFPB has become one of the most politically divisive agencies in Washington, hailed as a regulatory crown jewel of consumer protection by Democrats while maligned by Republicans as a bastion of government overreach.sDm哈希力量 | 通用人工智能文库



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